
The GLEAMS model version 2.10 was modified to represent water and solute movement in cracking clay soil.The modification consists of including GLEAMS subroutines to estimate the main processes affecting the phenomena:cracking dynamics in soil, initiation of crack flow, crack flow, concentration of solutes in the crack flow, andtransportation through the cracks. Theory for the hydrologic and chemical modifications is presented with modelevaluation using data from two experimental sites: at Vallevecchia di Caorle, Italy and Riesel, Texas, USA. There wasconsiderably more water redistribution and solute movement out of the root zone with simulated crack flow comparedwith simulations with the unmodified model. Metolachlor and Terbuthylazine, observed in shallow groundwater at thelocation in Italy, were simulated to leach out of the root zone with the modified model whereas the unmodified version didnot simulate leaching. Simulated chemical runoff differed between the two models: the crack flow modifications resultedin less total pesticide losses because simulated concentrations were lower in the surface soil layer and runoff volumeswere less.

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