
This study aims to assess the risk factors for insufficient vancomycin concentrations for its prophylactic use in adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and to modify the dosing regimen to achieve appropriate plasma concentrations. A total of 27 patients with vancomycin dosing of 1 to 1.5g based on a weight cutoff of 67kg were included, of which only 13 (48.15%) had vancomycin plasma concentration >15mg/L at surgical closure. Risk factors of vancomycin concentration <15mg/L at surgical-site closure were confirmed by multivariate logistic regression analysis, which showed that CPB duration was an independent predictor. Patients with CPB duration >4hours had significantly lower vancomycin concentrations and lower proportion in achieving target vancomycin concentration at the end of CPB and surgical closure. For patients with CPB >4hours, the modified dosing regimen that a second dose of 0.5 to 0.75g added at 4hours since the onset of CPB improved the target achievement of vancomycin concentration at surgical closure. Taken together, CPB duration >4hours was the risk factor for insufficient vancomycin concentration at surgical closure, while our modified dosing could improve the vancomycin concentrations for its prophylactic use in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with CPB.

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