
Safetythe reversedside of an accidentis always anintegral partof every organisational set up. Hence, risk assessments andaccidents analysis in the oil and gas industriesis always inevitable. As one of the organizationswith highest number of accidentsreports,the oil and gas industry has beentrying most at times to adopt several established accidentsanalysing tools/models to address this aspect. Therefore, this paper critically analyses and adoptsone of the accident analysingmodels used in the aviation industry called the TRACEr (Techniques for the Retrospective and predictive Analysis of Cognitive Errors) model to fit into the oil and gas industrial accidentsanalysis. In achieving this, taxonomies of most benefit from the TRACEr model were adopted while making changes to some key areasto develop the new model called the TRACEr OGI. Accidents reports from variousoil and gas industriesretrieved fromthe international association of oil and gas producers (IOGP)database focussing on Russia and central Asiawere usedto test the reliability of the new TRACEr OGImodel. The new TRACEr OGI has seven levels of taxonomies asopposed to theeightlevelsfrom the main TRACErmodel were the central change been made at the Cognitive level of the operator context.The result of the analysis for reliability test shows that, there exist a reasonable percentage of correlation for the Human-Machine interface and the task errors in the oil and gas industryand hence the TRACEr OGI can be adopted for accident analysis inoil and gas industries.

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