
CMC (Carboxymethyl Cellulose) is an additional ingredient that is often used in the food and beverage industry. This causes the need for CMC is quite high in Indonesia. Data from the Badan Pusat Statistik shows that Indonesia still imported 4435.26 tons of CMC in 2018. In fact, cellulose as a raw material for making CMC can be easily found in nature. One of the plants which is known to have high cellulose content is water hyacinth, which can reach 66.87%. Besides having high cellulose content, water hyacinth is also often regarded as a weed that grows very fast, so it must be utilized so as not to damage the environment. In CMC synthesis isopropyl alcohol is used as a solvent in the ratio of 1:2, 1:4 and 1:6. The CMC yield can also be improved by crosslinking using succinic acid. The variation of succinic acid ratio is 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 and the yield of CMC reaches 198%, 140.66% and 122.66%, respectively. FTIR test shows CMC without crosslinking has a group that is identical to CMC Cap KoepoeKoepoe. While in crosslinking CMC new groups are formed which occur due to the addition of succinic acid. Organoleptic test results show results similar to CMC Cap Koepoe-Koepeoe. Meanwhile the pH test at CMC variable 2:1 and 3:1 has pH number 6, fulfilling FI/JECFA/SNI standard.

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