
Modification of asphaltic concrete with a mineral polymeric additive based on butadiene – styrene rubber and chemically precipitated calcium carbonate. This paper presents the results of the study of physical – mechanical and service properties of the asphaltic concrete modified with the mineral polymeric composition. Calcium carbonate is used both as a filler and a coagulant. The chalk was preliminarily ground and hydrophobizated by stearic acid. These operations contribute to even distribution of the filler and interfere with lump coagulation. As a result of the experiments, it was found that the best results were obtained by combining the operations of dispersion and hydrophobization. The optimal amount of stearic acid providing the finest grinding in a ball mill is a content from 3 to 5% by weight. The optimal grinding time of the filler was found (4–6 hours). With increasing dispersion time the particles form agglomerates. Filling the butadiene styrene latex with the hydrophobic fine-grained calcium carbonate was carried out in the laboratory mixer. As a result of the experimental works, it was found that the best distribution of the filler takes place with ratio of rubber: chalk – 100:400. The resulting modifier was subjected to the thermal analysis on the derivatograph to determine its application temperature interval. A marked reduction in weight of the mineral polymeric modifier begins at 350 °C. Thus, high temperature of the modifier destruction allows to use it at the temperature of the technological process of asphaltic concrete preparation (up to 170 °C). It was found that an increase in the amount of the carbonate filler in the rubber SKS 30АRК significantly increases its thermal resistance and connection of the polymer with the chalk in the composition.


  • Modification of asphaltic concrete with a mineral polymeric additive based on butadiene-styrene rubber and chemically precipitated calcium carbonate

  • CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors declare no conflict of interest

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Объекты и методы исследования

Наполнителем бутадиен-стирольного каучука является карбонат кальция, в качестве гидрофобизатора использовали стеариновую кислоту. Измельчение и гидрофобизацию мела осуществляли в шаровой мельнице и лабораторном смесителе. Для определения гранулометрического состава использовали электронный микроскоп JSM-6610, получения результатов термоокислительной деструкции – дериватограф Q-1500. Для получения наполнителя необходимо осуществить ряд подготовительных операций:. ─ сушка для достижения постоянной влажности, не превышающей 0,2% Температура процесса должна составлять 220 °С, так как при этих условиях происходит разложения нитрата аммония, содержащегося в химически осажденном меле;.

Исследования и полученные результаты
Предварительно подготовленный химически
The chalk chemically precipitated with
Показатели свойств Performance properties
Without With the addition additive of the test
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