
The traditional production of wort with adjunct-introduced was achieved by double mashing procedure, which hindered the utilization of proteins in adjunct and led to a deficiency of nitrogen in wort. In this study, the modification mechanism of the extrusion pretreatment on the structure characterization of rice flour protein was investigated. The decoction mashing procedure was performed to enhance the nitrogen conversion of the extruded rice adjunct. Decreased solubility along with disrupted secondary and tertiary structures of rice protein were observed after extrusion. As a result, the total nitrogen, free amino nitrogen, and free amino acids content of wort with extruded rice adjunct-introduced were improved by 23.28 %, 34.67 %, and 7.33 %, respectively, which could be verified by the electrophoretic patterns of the wort protein. The application of extrusion as a pretreatment of adjuncts can promote the protein availability of adjuncts in the decoction mashing stage.

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