
The refractories lining of the hot blast stoves of the blast furnace in Durgapur Steel Plant was modified so as to obtain a hot blast temperature of 1000°C against 800°C as per original design. The modification was effected by using refractories of 54% alumina quality for 15 ft of the stove top, skin and combustion chamber walls; 40% alumina quality between 15 and 45 ft from the top and 32–35% alumina quality for the rest. Only 50% of the total requirement of refractories for the stoves were replaced during modification. The total cost for modification worked out to be about 60% of the total refractory material cost involved in the entire relining job. However, the extra work involved due to modification did not affect the overall relining time.No change in the stove chequer volume was called for in attaining higher blast temperature of 1000°C.

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