
Appendix D of Title 40 Part 61 of the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) provides a procedure that US Department of Energy (US DOE) facility owners and operators can use to estimate radionuclide emissions to the atmosphere for dose calculations instead of measuring emissions for minor sources under the 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart H, National Emission Standards for Emissions of Radionuclides Other Than Radon From Department of Energy Facilities, regulation. The procedure assumes that any radioactive material heated above 100 °C is completely vaporized and emitted to the atmosphere. In 1991, the US DOE Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) requested approval to use different release fractions (RFs) for uranium because of its high melting and boiling points. In response to the request, the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Region IV approved the use of modified RFs for elemental uranium provided no reaction had taken place to alter its chemical form. In 2015, the ORR requested approval to use different RFs for tungsten, again because of its high melting and boiling points. EPA Region IV approved the use of modified RFs for heated radioactive tungsten metal. In accordance with the two precedents set for heating uranium and radioactive tungsten metals, in 2016, the ORR requested approval to use modified RFs in a similar fashion for other radioactive solid metals and compounds with melting and boiling points above 500 °C that might be heated above 100 °C in future research projects and experiments. EPA Region IV again granted approval to use modified RFs for the list of compounds. This note discusses the proposed modified RFs and their development.

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