
Test case prioritization for regression testing is an approach that schedules test cases to improve the efficiency of service-oriented workflow application testing. Most of existing prioritization approaches range test cases according to various metrics (e.g., Statement coverage, path coverage) in different application context. Service-oriented workflow applications orchestrate web services to provide value-added service and typically are long-running and time-consuming processes. Therefore, these applications need more precise prioritization to execute earlier those test cases that may detect failures. Surprisingly, most of current regression test case prioritization researches neglect to use internal structure information of software, which is a significant factor influencing the prioritization of test cases. Considering the internal structure information and fault propagation behavior of modifications respect to modified version for service-oriented workflow applications, we present in this paper a new regression test case prioritization approach. Our prioritization approach schedules test cases based on dependence analysis of internal activities in service-oriented workflow applications. Experimental results show that test case prioritization using our approach is more effective than conventional coverage-based techniques.

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