
The propagation of transverse-longitudinal acoustic pulses through a strained cubic crystal containing resonant paramagnetic impurities with effective spin S =1 is investigated. It is supposed that the pulses propagate under arbitrary angle with respect to the direction of the external static deformation parallel to the fourth-order symmetry axis. In this geometry, both the transverse and longitudinal components of the acoustic field have high-frequency and zero-frequency spectral components. We show that a pulse can propagate in modes different from the acoustic self-induced transparency. In particular, a pulse propagating in the mode of an acoustic self-induced supertransparency substantially changes the populations of the spin sublevels, but its group velocity remains almost equal to the linear velocity of the sound. If a pulse propagates in the acoustic extraordinary transparency mode, then its group velocity is substantially lower while the sublevel populations remain virtually invariant. Also, the modes of propagation under conditions of weakly excited spin transitions and large detuning of the pulse high-frequency components are identified.

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