
The article deals with the modes of use of agricultural labor and working time in agricultural production. The analysis of the labor force which is presented in two forms the family and extra-family labor force. The latter provide employment followed by working time divided according to activities. The heads of the households decide on the execution of the various cultivation operations and off-farm activities. The study is based on a stratified, reasoned sample of 420 heads of household, drawn according to the demographic weight of the localities in this region. It is based on a diagnosis aimed at studying the impact of land dynamics in the fight against land insecurity and household poverty in the study region. The analysis shows that the average number of agricultural workers per household is 6. The extra-familial labor force consists of salaried workers and mutual aid. Also, 30% of heads of household use salaried labor, the number of which varies from 1 to 5 and concerns all sexes. Thus, 83% of households use salaried labor, 8% use mutual aid, and 6% use mixed labor. Only 2% of the working population work full time, 39% half time and 1% part time.

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