
Introduction 1. Modernization in the Early Modern Context: The Case of Muscovy Jarmo Kotilaine and Marshall Poe Background 2. The Sixteenth-Century Background Janet Martin The State and its Servants 3. The Expanding Role of the State in Russia Richard Hellie 4. The Evolution of Bureaucratic Administration in Seventeenth-Century Russia Peter Brown 5. Modernization of Law in Seventeenth-Century Muscovy George Weickhardt 6. Absolutism and the New Men of Seventeenth-Century Russia Marshall Poe 7. The Assembly of the Land (Zemskii Sobor) as a Representative Institution Donald Ostrowski The Economy 8. Mercantilism in Pre-Petrine Russia Jarmo T. Kotilaine 9. Arel, The Archangel Trade, Empty State Coffers, and the Drive to Modernize: State Monopolization of Russian 10. Export Commodities under Mikhail Fedorovich Maria Solomen The Military and International Relations 11. Muscovy and the Thirty Years' War: Porshnev's Missing Link Paul Dukes 12. European Mercenary Officers in the Armies of Seventeenth-Century Muscovy: A Re-examination of the Modernization Model William M. Reger, IV 13. Modernizing the Military: Peter the Great and Military Reform Carol B. Stevens 14. The Musketeer's Rebellion of 1698: An Episode of Resistance to Late Muscovite Modernization Graeme Herd Religion and Culture 15. Church Reform and the White Clergy in Seventeenth-Century Russia Debra Coulter 16. The Patriarch's Rivals: Local Strongmen and the Limits of Church Reform During the Seventeenth-Century Georg Michels The Arts and Sciences 17. Secularization and Westernization Revisited: The Visual Arts in Seventeenth-Century Russia Lindsey Hughes 18. The Administration of Western Medicine in Seventeenth-Century Russia Eve Levin 19. A Jesuit Aristotle in Seventeenth-Century Russia: Cosmology and the Planetary System in the Slavo-Greek-Latin Academy Nikos Chrissidis Self and Society 20. Kollmann Society, Identity and Modernity in Seventeenth-Century Russia Nancy Shields 21. Discovering Individualism Among the Deceased: Gravestones in Early Modern Russia Daniel H. Kaiser Afterword 22. The Legacy of Seventeenth-Century Reform in Petrine Times Paul Bushkovitch

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