
Given the necessity to solve new socio-pedagogical problems of higher education, there is the need to improve the process of professional and pedagogical training for future teachers. The article analyzes the approaches of modern scientists to improvement and enhancement of practical training for higher education seekers, which can significantly increase the competitiveness of graduates in modern market conditions. Today there are strict requirements for the level of knowledge and skills of a higher education institution graduate and their ability to perform professional functions, which are largely formed in the process of practical training. It was investigated that scientists propose the development and implementation of an information system for forecasting and planning the labor market as well as studying the need for specialists in a particular field, so that higher education institutions could focus on the type of staff to train. It was noted that systematic cooperation with employers during the internship of students develops a strong relationship between higher education establishments and employers. It was concluded that modernization of practical training as an integral part of the future teacher training system requires changes both at the state level and at the level of higher education institutions. There are several topical aspects, namely creating a system of early adaptation of higher education seekers to the conditions of their future profession, ensuring permanent inclusion of students in various activities, monitoring the professional growth of a particular future teacher throughout the whole period of study, creating centres for practical training, facilitating the organization of practical training, promoting cooperation between heads of practice from university departments and heads of practice from basic institutions in order to create complex programs of practice.

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