
Continuing improvement in manufactured goods and cars demands higher-quality metal. Correspondingly, we need always to improve production technologies and equipment for steel. Continuous bloom-rolling machine 3 in electrosmelting shop 2 at Belorussian Metallurgical Plant (BMP) went into operation in 1989 and was reconstructed in 1998. During reconstruction, innovative systems were introduced, including a chrome-plated mold, an electromagnetic-mixing unit, a new secondary-cooling zone, and a casting control process. These measures considerably increased the productivity, improved the macrostructure of the 250 × 300 and 300 × 400 mm blooms obtained, and reduced the carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus liquation. However, the reconstruction did not eliminate surface defects (longitudinal cracks) or macrostructural defects of liquation-band type [1]. In 2007 and 2008, designs for the introduction of a modular system of oxygen and natural-gas injectors at arc furnaces 2 and 3 were developed, so as to optimize the supply of oxygen and coal dust, increase the productivity, reduce the environmental impact of the waste gases, and add exothermal energy to the energy of the electric arc. Mechanical impurities were removed from the natural gas and oxygen at valve setups. The gas flow rate and parameters were measured, and impermissible pressure increase or decrease in the natural-gas and oxygen pipelines was prevented. After intensifying electrosmelting, it was possible to increase the output of each furnace to 1 Mtn/yr. Considerable increase in productivity of the continuous-casting machine was required to meet demand.

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