
Modern trends, Islam and Christianity, have influenced the cultures of Tampúlma and resulted in dramatic changes in the youth’s attitude towards Sigmáá masquerading. This has adversely affected psychosocial development and the general worldview of youth. The elders of this age-long tradition have bemoaned the recent upsurge of moral decadence among the youth, and the contemplation of its source appears to be laid at the doorsteps of modernity and religious pluralism. Through interviews and focus group discussions, the views of some key informants and youth groups were elicited from among the various Sigmáá masquerading communities among the Tampúlma people for concerted ideas on how to alter the declining trend from the high precipice of moral standards that were bequeathed to the present generation by generations. The study established that through Sigmáá masquerading, communication between people was achieved through spiritism, initiations, symbolism, appellations, and proverbial songs. These verbal and non-verbal communication media have psychological, spiritual, philosophical, and sociological influences on the youth’s moral values, ethics, and livelihoods. It was recommended that Sigmáá masquerading should be encouraged and consciously promoted as the bedrock of moral education in which the youth’s physical, spiritual, and psychological capabilities are harnessed and guided toward moral development.

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