
This paper contributes to the historical research into modernization and expansion of public education in Taiwan between 1885 and 1987 from the establishment of the province of Taiwan during the Chinese Empire until the abolition of martial law under the Government of the National Party of China (KMT). After the American Declaration of Independence (1776) and the French Revolution (1789-94), a schooling system controlled by the state was required. It was seen as an essential tool to break down feudal caste society, to strengthen the national state, eliminate illiteracy and produce politically mature citizens as well as trained workforce needed for industrialization. Today, West European education is modeled as the standard for national education and has been implemented throughout the world. The main interest of this paper is the transformation that these western value patterns and educational concepts underwent during the creation of a modern state educational system in Taiwan and the problems that occurred during this process. Before western educational concepts were introduced, Taiwanese education was strongly shaped by Confucianism and the Imperial Civil Service Examination system of the Chinese Empire. Confucian education focuses in general on humanistic literary education necessary to create political and social leaders - the Confucian scholar. On the other hand, it took little account of professional training, natural sciences or scientific analysis. The modernization of Taiwanese education began with the establishment of the province of Taiwan in 1885 in connection with the Self-Strengthening Movement of the Ch´ing Dynasty (1861-94) but actually gained impetus during the Japanese colonial period (1895-1944). The introduction of a modern national education system into Taiwan served to increase integration and readiness to wage war in connection with the extension of Japanese imperialism. After their retreat to Taiwan, the KMT Government was especially keen to motivate the population to become loyal and willing soldiers and, later, productive workers both necessary for the revival following the defeat in the civil war against the Chinese Communist Party. During the period of the so-called Cold War , the KMT Government received massive financial and technical assistance from US-Aid for the extension of professional, scientific and technical training. In the 1970´s and 1980´s, the extension of the educational programs through a series of Plans for Manpower Development and Employment based on the concepts of Human Resources and Functional Differentiation served the purpose of strengthening the international industrial competitiveness of Taiwan and its integration into the global economy by enabling the workforce to be trained for labour intensive high technology or export. Moreover, the KMT Government modified the Imperial Civil Service Exam System into a central means for the distribution of educational opportunities the Entrance Exam System in modern education. In this connection, the Confucian scholar became an expert in his field, and on the whole there was a growing conviction that the people were participating in the development of the country and working for the general good of the nation as well as being loyal to the state and the KMT. They also became increasingly proud to be Chinese.

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