
To create artificial intelligent systems that receive information in the form of images: industrial robots, autonomous vehicles, modeling of objects or the environment, video surveillance, video data can be presented as a sequence of images from various cameras or sensors, of which lidars and cameras are the most studied and discussed. The work reveals and analyzes the possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of these computer vision technologies. Examples are given and researched ways, directions and prospects for the development and improvement of lidar systems. It is shown what new possibilities for autonomous intelligent unmanned systems are opened by the combined usage of cameras and lidars. Such fusion makes it possible to use the advantages of both technologies, to solve problems that seemed insoluble yesterday. It is clear that the symbiosis of these two devices, which work in real time, is crucial for many applications such as autonomous driving, industrial automation and robotics. Especially in the case of autonomous vehicles, efficient fusion of data from these two types of sensors is important for object depth detection as well as object recognition at short and long distances. Since both sensors are capable of simultaneously capturing different environmental attributes, integrating these attributes with an efficient data fusion approach greatly improves reliable and consistent environmental perception.

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