
Presented modern literature data on the features of the pathogenesis, course, clinical and morphological expression and tumor characteristics, parameters and nodal metastasis of hematogenous bilateral breast cancer. Highlight the results of domestic and foreign studies in recent years to determine the prognostic factors and recurrence of synchronous and metachronous bilateral breast cancer. It was revealed that the frequency of bilateral breast tumor lesions varies widely, ranging from 0.1 to 20%, with metachronous tumors recorded significantly higher (69.6% ) than the synchronous (22.7%). The probability of occurrence of metachronous breast cancer is higher in women with a family history, as well as if they have a gene mutation BRCA-1. Found that the most common histological type of breast tumor with bilateral lesions is invasive ductal. However, the incidence of invasive lobular cancer and non-invasive lobular cancer is slightly higher among synchronous bilateral cancer compared with unilateral disease. Studies have shown that in a double-sided synchronous breast cancer tumor, as a rule, has a lower degree of differentiation, and the higher the expression level of estrogen receptors and progesterone receptors. Relevance of the issue because the identification of patterns in the study of lymphatic and hematogenous features bilateral metastasis of mammary tumors provides a basis for speculation about the differences in the progression of neoplastic disease in these groups and is a cause for further detailed research in this area to identify and evaluate the prognosis and also the choice of tactics of such patients.


  • It was revealed that the frequency of bilateral breast tum or lesions varies widely, ranging from 0.1 to 20%, with m etachro­ nous tum ors recorded significantly higher (69.6% ) than the synchronous (22.7%)

  • The probability of occurrence o f m etachronous breast cancer is higher in wom en w ith a family history, as well as if they have a gene m utation BRCA-1

  • Relevance of the issue because the identification of patterns in the study of lym phatic and hem ato­ genous features bilateral m etastasis of m am m ary tum ors provides a basis for speculation about the dif­ ferences in the progression o f neoplastic disease in these groups and is a cause for fu rth e r detailed research in this area to identify and evaluate the prognosis and the choice of tactics of such pa­ tients

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Представлены современные литературные данные, касающиеся особенностей патогенеза, течения, клинико-морфологических и экспрессионных характеристик опухоли, параметров лимфогенного и гематогенного метастазирования при билатеральном раке молочной железы (РМЖ). Вы­ явлено, что частота встречаемости двухстороннего опухолевого поражения молочных желез варь­ ирует в широких пределах и составляет от 0,1 до 20%, при этом метахронные опухоли регистри­ руются достоверно чаще (69,6%), чем синхронные (22,7%). Установлено, что наиболее распространенным гистологическим типом опу­ холи молочной железы при двухстороннем поражении является инвазивная протоковая карцино­ ма.

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