
The article is devoted to presentation of different festivals held in Crimea. It recognizes that latter decades are marked with intensification of process in which is stipulated by many factors including step-by-step transformation of sociocultural environment. The indicated process is taking place both in the capital of the state and particular regions. Important place among last-mentioned takes Autonomous of Crimea, polyethnic region possessing a number of particularities formed due to interaction of historical, ethnocultural, geographical etc factors. These particularities have definitely affected nature of events taking place within the territory of peninsula. Particular festivals within the territory of have taken its interpretation in articles of different genres, among them academic papers. regional particularities in relation to its cultural development were presented, as well (works by A. Chergeiev, L. Shylova, O. Iatskov). But an attempt to distinguish modern process is made for the first time. It is recognized that ancient history of peninsula contains chapters related to early culture of Scythians, Goths, Huns, Ugrians, later descendants from Mediterranean – Greeks, Genoeses. Crimean cities and villages bear the impress of their previous status. For instance, Solkhat (now Old Crimea) was in the times of the Golden Horde which included the peninsula in those days the capital of Crimean Ulus, its territorial subdivision. Bakhchysarai was the capital of Crimean Khanate, the state that existed during the 14th – 18th centuries. Genoese medieval settlements grew into modern Crimean territorial subdivisions – cities of Feodosiia and Sudak (former Kafa and Soldaiia or Sougdeiia), Inkerman (former Kalamita), Balaklava (former Chembalo). The number of historic monuments of different periods is so large that sometimes is called an open-air museum. An important part in formation of sociocultural environment of the peninsula is played by its polyethnic population structure: nowadays it is inhabited by Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, as well as Karaites, Greeks, Armenians etc. Every Crimean nationality has its rich and unique cultural traditions. Another specific Crimean feature is its geographic location which determines the region as a resort. Localities of autonomous republic are mostly villages along with small towns and towns (except for Sevastopol, Simferopol and Kerch). Arts festivals and competitions in small towns and towns in have their specific nature which we have already covered in previous articles stressing both value of these events for localities in question and the fact they make it possible for participants and guests to experience historical-cultural particularities of the venue. Indicated factors directly affect such an important component of art life of society that arts festivals represent in present-day world; this deals with essential characteristics of the latter. The article analyzes specific festivals. It is indicated that Bospor Agons International Ancient Arts Festival that took place in Kerch for fifteen times already is joined with ancient history. The event in which artists from Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Kazakhstan etc. participate involves musical, literary, theater, visual and cinematographic components. In town of Old Crimea World Festival of National Cultures has been held from 2012. Besides, at the beginning of July Khach Armenian Arts Festival devoted to holiday Vardavar (Transfiguration) which is one of the main holidays of the Armenian church for the fourth time will be held here. Pilgrimage festival holding is based in Surb Khach, monastery of the 14th century. Popularity of Silk Road International Festival of Ethnic Cultures taking place in Sudak is increasing, as well. climate conditions make it possible to widely use practice of holding Open Air festivals. The biggest Ukrainian of this kind is Koktebel Jazz Festival founded in 2003. The scale indicator of actions is that in anniversary tenth Koktebel Jazz Festival (2012) more than 300 musicians of fifteen countries of the world took part. Since 1995 the most famous in post-Soviet space Kazantip Republic electronic music (other names are Orange Republic, Z, KaZantip) is held in Crimea. The venue is always different: first it was Shcholkine town, then location nearby Sudak and since 2001 it is Popovka village not far from Evpatoriia town. In festivals arrangement tourist opportunities of the whole region and its particular cities are used. As an example we can take Oriental Gate. ArtField-Crimea International Arts Festival taking place in Bakhchysarai town at the beginning of October. Providers determine the event as excursion festival. Tourism factor is also efficient in arrangement of numerous festivals-competitions for children and young people held in resort towns from spring through autumn: Yalta vacations, Near the Black Sea, Ukraine is a saint family, Art paints, Stars of Tavrida, KupalaCrimeaFest, Summer melodies, Star planet etc. In the arrangement of festivals and competitions held in unique capabilities of the region are used and this contributes to beneficiation of sociocultural environment of integrally.

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