
This article examines factors of the terminological system change in the Ukrainian educational discourse. The innovations in higher education terminology are caused by strengthening of globalization processes and development of the newest information technologies, e.g., 1) emergence of new forms of education and educational activities; 2) changes in the accreditation procedure of educational programs; 3) increased attention toward issues of academic integrity and the quality of educational services; 4) importance of the practical component in educational activities; 5) fixation of neologisms in legislative documentation; 6) regulating of activities of higher educational institutions; 7) the desire of educational institutions to attract more applicants by updating names of educational programs, specialties, academic disciplines, and structural units; 8) positive coverage of educational institutions’ activities on social media and the Internet. Increasing number of Anglicisms for concepts of educational activity is explained due to the dominance of English in world’s educational and scientific spheres. The author states a different degree of adoption of terms-anglicisms that function in educational discourse, which is reflected in their graphic and phonetic variance. Semantic analysis of borrowed terms (neologisms) considers variability in their structure and determines semantic groups of abbreviations based on terms of a relatively high frequency in modern educational discourse. Keywords: term, terminoelement, globalization, internationalization of education, term-anglicism, in formation society.

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