
On the basis of an analytical review of special scientific literature, it was established that insufficient number of scientific papers are devoted to the urgent issue of developing highly functional complexes of special physical exercises that ensure the readiness of servicemen for service and combat activities.
 The main goal of the study is the development and approval of educational and training complexes of physical and special exercises that ensure the formation of the readiness of future officers to perform assigned tasks in various conditions of service and combat activity.
 In the process of empirical research, we have developed and tested educational and training complexes of special physical exercises that ensure the formation of the readiness of future officers to perform assigned tasks in various conditions of service and combat activity. A comparative analysis of the results of the pedagogical experiment shows an increase in the percentage of Eg cadets compared to representatives of Kg with a high level of professional competence formation – by 32%. In the process of comparing the results of the experiment before and after it was carried out, it was established that: among the representatives of Kg, the empirical values of the criterion x² are less than the critical one, the characteristics of the compared groups coincide at the significance level of 0.05; in Eg, the empirical values of the x² criterion are greater than the critical one, the reliability of the difference in the characteristics of the compared groups is 95%.

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