
The relevance of the formation of modern tools for ensuring the use of real estate at the regional level has been proven. As a result of the research, the goal of determining the modern toolkit for the formation and use of real estate at the regional level has been achieved. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were solved: substantiation of theoretical provisions regarding the definition of real estate at the regional level; characteristics of methods and models affecting the level of real estate use. A modern toolkit for the formation and use of real estate at the regional level is proposed, which consists of methods and models, mechanisms, which made it possible to propose measures to increase the efficiency of the use of real estate objects and land resources. As a result of the research, the categorical apparatus for determining real estate was improved, the distinguishing feature of which is the inclusion of land plots, other objects located on it, forming a spatial provision from above and below, determined by a long-term nature, the movement of which leads to a violation of its functional features. A method of integral assessment of the level of real estate use of regions was developed, which is based on a set of expert and analytical methods, local, systemic, integral models, a multi-level system of indicators, which made it possible to form the basis for mathematical modeling of factors of real estate use at the regional level.The proposed model of the influence of the integral indicator of the use of real estate at the regional level on the index of the gross regional product through the use of mathematical modeling tools, which made it possible to form a quantitative basis for ensuring positive trends of the generalizing factor of regional development. Methodical approaches to the assessment of real estate use have been developed, which are based on methods and models that characterize the directions and features of the application of spatial, functional, investment, environmental support, which provide the opportunity to form a mathematical basis and to single out the appropriate tools for developing a method of assessing the level of real estate use in regions. Mathematical modeling of the processes of real estate use at the regional level was carried out on the basis of establishing relationships between systemic spatial, functional, investment, environmental factors and an integral indicator. A mechanism for the use of real estate at the regional level was developed, which is based on the results of assessment, mathematical modeling, and forecasting of the factors of real estate use, which made it possible to determine the directions for the implementation of scientifically based recommendations and to build geospatial monitoring maps.

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