
The relevance of the problem of children with upper limb trauma medical rehabilitation is determined by the high frequency elbow joint fractures; the risk of complications development, disabilityc of the patient. A comprehensive medical rehabilitation program assumes a personalized approach and a differentiated prescription of physical factors, depending on the time period of rehabilitation. Early physical rehabilitation is a key link in the complete recovery of the function of a patient’s limb with damage to the elbow joint. The purpose of this work is to analyze literature and summarize the results of our own research to determine the optimal approaches and methods for medical rehabilitation of children with upper limb injury. The medical rehabilitation program includes various methods of kinesiotherapy, robotic mechanotherapy, massage, a wide range of apparatus physiotherapy to improve the trophism of the periarticular tissues, to maintain mobility in joints free from immobilization; gain of the full range of motion in the damaged joint; normalizing tone and strengthening the muscles of the upper limb. Medical rehabilitation of children with elbow joint injury is carried out from the earliest stage, in stationary conditions, during the period of immobilization. The rehabilitation measures continue in outpatient and polyclinic conditions, during the entire period of immobilization (2–4 weeks) and then in the post-immobilization period until the limb function is fully restored. It is necessary to monitor the main indicators of the function of the upper limb during the entire period of rehabilitation to assess the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures, objectify the course of the rehabilitation process and the continuity of rehabilitation programs. Definition of the tasks of medical rehabilitation, differentiated for each stage; the choice of modern, pathogenetically grounded rehabilitation technologies with an assessment of their effectiveness contribute to a significant increase in the effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation programs for children with upper limb trauma.


  • Bulletin of rehabilitation medicine No 4 (98) 2020 vvmr.ru abstract the relevance of the problem of children with upper limb trauma medical rehabilitation is determined by the high frequency elbow joint fractures; the risk of complications development, disabilityc of the patient

  • Physical rehabilitation is a key link in the complete recovery of the function of a patient’s limb with damage to the elbow joint

  • The purpose of this work is to analyze literature and summarize the results of our own research to determine the optimal approaches and methods for medical rehabilitation of children with upper limb injury. the medical rehabilitation program includes various methods of kinesiotherapy, robotic mechanotherapy, massage, a wide range of apparatus physiotherapy to improve the trophism of the periarticular tissues, to maintain mobility in joints free from immobilization; gain of the full range of motion in the damaged joint; normalizing tone and strengthening the muscles of the upper limb

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Современные технологии медицинской реабилитации при травме верхней конечности у детей. Резюме Актуальность проблемы медицинской реабилитации детей с травмой верхней конечности обусловлена высокой частотой регистрации переломов костей, образующих локтевой сустав; риском развития осложнений, инвалидизации пациента. Анализ данных литературы и обобщение результатов собственных исследований для определения оптимальных подходов и методов медицинской реабилитации детей с травмой верхней конечности. Медицинская реабилитации детей с травмой локтевого сустава проводится с самого раннего этапа, в стационарных условиях, в период иммобилизации. Для оценки эффективности реабилитационных мероприятий, объективизации течения реабилитационного процесса, преемственности программ реабилитации необходимо проводить мониторинг основных показателей функции верхней конечности в течение всего периода реабилитации. Определение задач медицинской реабилитации дифференцированно для каждого этапа; выбор современных, патогенетически обоснованных технологий реабилитации с оценкой их эффективности способствуют существенному повышению эффективности комплексных программ реабилитации детей с травмой верхней конечности. Ключевые слова: дети, травма, локтевой сустав, кинезотерапия, роботизированная механотерапия, селективная электростимуляция лимфодинамики и венозного оттока, магнитотерапия, селективная хромотерапия, комплекс с биологической обратной связью

Modern Technologies of Medical Rehabilitation of Upper Limb Injury in Children
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