
Companies independently develop and form their financial relations, financial resources, determinethe direction of their use and effectively organize financial management, consider ways to improve the company'scompetitiveness in the conditions of market globalization. Financial management of a company determines thecoordination of all activities of an economic entity, since financial relations, financial resources and sources offinancial resources that are its object determine not only current, but also stable competitiveness in a marketeconomy.In modern conditions, when companies with their own needs make financial decisions, its resource capabilitiesincrease dramatically. This means optimizing financial relations and improving the efficiency of financial resourcemanagement. Indicators of financial condition reflect the profitability of economic activities, financial achievementsand competitiveness. The information system satisfies the interest not only of the business entity to the owners andmanagement personnel, but also to a wide range of its external users with the necessary information. Riskmanagement in any company is defined separately depending on the volume of construction work and the amount offinancial resources. The implementation of these measures will help to reduce the amount of unexpected losses fromexposure to risks.The actual performance of the functions of the enterprise's financial management system allows the company'smanagement to control financial and economic activities in financial management and correct the directions ofinefficiently performed activities. Because improving competitiveness is the result of effective financial managementpolicies and functions. Thus, financial management will increase the role of the financial Manager in the effectivemanagement of the company's finances, regulation of financial relations and search for effective sources offinancing, increasing the profitability of financial and economic activities, and cash flows.

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