
Мodern urban development trends includes the importance of taking historical buildings into account when implementing sustainable development strategies. Energetic modernization of historical buildings has both economic and social benefits. Buildings of historical importance often do not correspond to the requirements of modern directives, but the use of certain technical means and architectural practices allows to achieve a significant increase in energy potential. Energy-efficient renovation of historic buildings is an important component in the formation of future smart cities, since historic buildings themselves connect society with the heritage of the past and represent local and historical features of the city and its inhabitants. At the same time, the relevance of the problem is related to the insufficient systematization of data and information resources along with the constant development of tools for diagnosis and assessment of potential changes when working with historical buildings according to their characteristics. The main modern requirements for energy-efficient renovation of historical buildings, as well as the stages of analysis of the characteristics of historical buildings, and the further formation of the renovation strategy and the selection of appropriate methods and measures are considered. Considered limitations and features of the renovation of historic buildings (general engineering limitations due to the historical context, specific characteristics of a specific building, design limitations).

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