
Modern pollen rain analysis is useful to understand the pollen–vegetation relationship and to improve the understanding of pollen spectra in sediments by reconstructing past vegetation changes. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the pollen and vegetation relationships across the landscape mosaic in central México. A total of 57 moss and surface water samples were collected from different types of vegetation along an elevational gradient. Data were jointly analyzed through multivariate analysis and ecological index to establish a correlation among pollen, vegetation and landscape features. Three vegetation types: temperate forest, tropical dry forest and shrubland were identified and their distribution follows a clear catenal gradient. In mountains and hills, pollen of Pinus and Quercus presented a higher degree of association with temperate forests. In plain landforms pollen of Prosopis, Acacia and Ipomoea showed a positive correlation with the tropical dry forest. Pollen from plains also harbor substantial Pinus, Quercus and Alnus. The application of traditional methods and multivariate analysis were key for a better understanding of the pollen–vegetation–landscape relationship, especially in regions with clear catenal landscape. Our results were discussed to support future interpretations of paleoecological investigations.

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