
The article theoretically substantiates and experimentally verified modern pedagogical technologies and their application in the work of teachers of professional (vocational and technical) education institutions. The main goal of an article is to perform an analysis of modern pedagogical technologies and their application in the work of teachers of the institution vocational and technical education. To achieve the goal, theoretical analysis of scientific works, synthesis, comparison, and generalization of approaches to the definition of theoretical aspects of modern pedagogical technologies and their application in the work of teachers of professional (vocational-technical) education institutions were used. It has been established that many learning technologies have been developed today, which prompts theoretical generalization, analysis, classification and selection of optimal methods of their use. The process of using traditional and introducing new (innovative) learning technologies proceeds spontaneously. In the procedure of their selection and implementation in the educational process, there are contradictions between: new goals of education and old ways of presenting and learning knowledge; growing volumes of information that need to be transferred to education seekers and the limited amount of study time; the urgent need for pedagogical innovations in the educational process and the insufficient development of the methodology of using new pedagogical technologies in education. The presence of these contradictions determines the need to study the effectiveness of using innovative pedagogical technologies. As a result of our research, it has been proven that the focus of attention of the pedagogical community is on vocational education institutions, which are designed to provide the labor market with qualified workers who are able to successfully work with the most modern production technologies. For this purpose, the regulatory and legal framework is dynamically updated: legal regulation of the functioning of the vocational education system, all its levels and subsystems, the activities of educational institutions of various types and forms of ownership, and the organization of various forms of education is ensured.

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