
Two key categories of pedagogical science - education and training as the next attempt of the appeal to a problem of overcoming alienation of the person from his authentic essence, forming of spiritually developed personality in the course of historical development of society are covered in article that isn’t made automatically, and requires efforts from people, and these efforts go as for creation of the material resources, objective social conditions, and on implementation opening at each historical stage of new opportunities for spiritual and moral enhancement of the person. With respect thereto the two-unity of this process giving the real chance of development of the person as persons only all set of material and spiritual resources of society is emphasized. In article the emphasis is placed on difficult, truly human task before which it is worth today - studying not only the pupil, but also the teacher most, to address information sources, the accumulated spiritual experience, making a daily feat of internal growth. Not the last place in article is allocated to a question of the democratization of education assuming orientation to a number of important pedagogical conditions: equality of members of society irrespective of a social position, a floor, national, religious, race as democratic such organization of educational process in case of which the person capable is created is inherent in an educational system is free, to think and work creatively. Also special attention is paid to today’s threat of a dehumanization, hypertrophied rationalism, loss of high moral ideals, asocial behavior of youth that, unfortunately, confirms a low performance of her education.

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