
Document circulation is a set of processes related to the collection, processing, transfer and storage of documents in organizations. This is an important component of the activity of any enterprise or institution, regardless of their size or field of activity. Its more modern and effective form is electronic document circulation, which is based on the use of specialized systems for exchanging documents. Electronic document management is not just a transition from paper documents to electronic ones. This is the degree of introduction of technological innovations into every sphere of modern life. Electronic document management has become one of the most essential components of modern corporate culture and information management. Regardless of the field of application, electronic document management systems have a direct impact on the daily activities of each document management entity. Analysis of the latest scientific publications and the use of proprietary electronic document management systems are important in today's world. New scientific research demonstrates innovative approaches and technologies for optimizing and improving document processing processes, for example, the use of artificial intelligence, blockchain technologies and the development of new electronic signature methods, etc. As part of the proposed work, a review of existing models and design methods, as well as implementations of electronic document management systems, was conducted. Analyzing the latest research and publications in the field of electronic document circulation, we can conclude that this direction is quite relevant, because the problem of timely receipt of documents is urgent. The main directions of scientific research concern both improving the efficiency and security of electronic document circulation in general, and solving the problems of its use in specific areas of business. Analyzing proprietary electronic document management systems, such as Microsoft SharePoint ASKOD and Alfresco, it was noted that their developers prefer universal approaches to creating such systems. However, in order to take into account the individual characteristics of various institutions, constructors for creating your own reporting forms are additionally included. It should be noted that the mentioned systems are aimed at application in specific industries or industrial sectors, such as management (for example, ASKOD).

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