
The article systematizes the characteristics of emissions of toxic substances from the main processing in ferrous metallurgy: dust, organic and inorganic gas toxins. It is shown that methods for capturing emissions from metallurgical dust are still based on the use of inertial and electrostatic forces and a filtration method. The greatest cleaning effect is provided by cloth filters and electrostatic precipitators. Currently, there are filter materials for high-temperature gas purification (up to 1000˚C), and electrostatic precipitators that allow capturing highly dispersed particles. Improvement of wet apparatuses is moving towards the creation of high-pressure scrubbers and centrifugal apparatus that provide cooling and purification of gases from submicron dust and gaseous toxins. It is shown that at present there are various methods of gas purification from organic and inorganic toxins based on the phenomena of sorption, oxidation and reduction in the presence of catalysts and without them, as well as under electronic, light and radiation exposure. When choosing devices for cleaning metallurgical emissions, preference should be given to those in which the processes of capturing dust and toxic gases are combined.

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