
Media education, as a set of means and methods of teaching youth today is more relevant than ever. Changes in education occurring under the influence of the rapid introduction of information technology in all spheres of life, impose serious requirements on the level of competence of a teacher who needs to master the role of a consultant for a student. Researchers and educators from around the world emphasize the special need for media education.


  • The region, named after the great thinker, poet and statesman Alisher Navoi, is the youngest province in Uzbekistan

  • Karmana is one of the most ancient cities of Uzbekistan, such as Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Shakhrisabz, Karshi, Tashkent and Margilan.This city is located in the central area of the Navoi region and it is considered one of the socio-political and cultural centers of the Bukharian Khanate in the Middle Ages

  • This beautiful place in the Lower Zarafshan oasis has always been a high place in the Turon land with its unique nature, climate, water conditions, mining industry, handicraft, farming and livestock

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The region, named after the great thinker, poet and statesman Alisher Navoi, is the youngest province in Uzbekistan. Karmana is one of the most ancient cities of Uzbekistan, such as Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Shakhrisabz, Karshi, Tashkent and Margilan.This city is located in the central area of the Navoi region and it is considered one of the socio-political and cultural centers of the Bukharian Khanate in the Middle Ages. This beautiful place in the Lower Zarafshan oasis has always been a high place in the Turon land with its unique nature, climate, water conditions, mining industry, handicraft, farming and livestock. Studying the history of Karmana on the Great Silk Road, the cultural heritage of her ancestors and intelligence is important

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