
Often in practice, the coefficients of Protodyakonov scale of hardness f are not established based on objective measurements that are very laborious, but by visual degree and rock family type, which naturally significantly reduces the accuracy of calculations.In this regard, it is proposed to obtain information on the physical-mechanical properties of rocks directly from rigs during drilling, based on the energy characteristics of this process; its main characteristic is the specific drilling energy, i.e., the energy required to destroy a unit of rock during drilling.For a quantitative assessment of the rock strength as resistance to mining - technological destruction - prof. M.M. Protodyakonov [2] proposed the coefficient of hardness f, in the first approximation, it is proportional to the rock break-down point under compressive load. The scale of hardness was developed, according to which all rocks are divided into ten categories. Many post-Soviet engineers use this coefficient. Since the coefficient of hardness mainly reflects only fracturing under compressive loads, and in real conditions tensile and shearing forces are often used, it becomes necessary to introduce other indicators to assess the properties of rocks.

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