
Team-based learning is a student-orientated active learning strategy created by Lary Michaelsen in 1979. Team-based learning is widely used not only in the United States of America, but all around the world: in Asian, European, and Middle Eastern universities and colleges. It is extremely popular in biomedicine as well as in social sciences. It is, unfortunately, rare in Lithuanian higher education. There is a large network of team-based learning strategy consultants in Singapore, Japan, Australia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, and North America.Research aim: to introduce the team-based learning strategy.Research questions: what is team-based learning strategy? What are the main reasons of the prevalence of team-based learning strategies? How is the team-based learning strategy adopted to the learning subject?Research object: Team-based learning strategy.Research method: literature analysis.The popularity of team-based learning is determined by its effectiveness: it motivates students, ensures their involvement, develops critical thinking, problem-solving, interpersonal leadership, and conflict management and similar skills. Team-based learning ensures the satisfaction of students with the learning process.There are four essential elements of the team-based learning strategy: teams must be properly formed and managed; students must be motivated to attend class and must come prepared; students must learn to use course concepts to solve problems; students must be truly accountable in case the lecturer decides to implement team based learning into their subject.


  • Research questions: what is team-based learning strategy? What are the main reasons of the prevalence of team-based learning strategies? How is the team-based learning strategy adopted to the learning subject? Research object: Team-based learning strategy

  • The popularity of team-based learning is determined by its effectiveness: it motivates students, ensures their involvement, develops critical thinking, problem-solving, interpersonal leadership, and conflict management and similar skills

  • Team-based learning ensures the satisfaction of students with the learning process

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Šiuolaikinės mokymo(si) strategijos aukštosiose mokyklose: komandomis grįstas mokymas(is). Šiame straipsnyje pristatoma viena iš šiuolaikinių ir pasaulyje vertinamų bei aukštosiose mokyklose plačiai taikomų mokymo strategijų – komandomis grįsto mokymo(si) strategija, ji teikia galimybę studentams įgyti kompetencijų, reikalingų šiuolaikinėje darbo rinkoje. Komandomis grįsto mokymo(si) strategijos sukūrimas buvo mėginimas išsaugoti tai, kas svarbiausia studijose: studentų įsitraukimą, mokymą priimti sprendimus, paskatinti argumentuotas ir gilias diskusijas bei suteikti studentams grįžtamąjį ryšį. Komandomis grįsto mokymo(si) strategija buvo taikoma daugiau kaip 60 JAV ir kitų šalių sveikatos mokslų mokyklose (Parmelee, Michaelsen, Cook, & Hudes, 2012). Kad efektyvumą laiduoja tai, jog, nusprendus taikyti dėstomame dalyke komandomis grįsto mokymo(si) strategiją, neužtenka jos elementus tik pasklaidyti per jau dėstomą dalyką. Šios strategijos esmė yra ta, kad, atlikus individualų žinių patikrinimo testą, studentai jungiami į komandas ir sprendžia tuos pačius testus, tačiau jau komandose, o kai jų atsakymai nėra pakankamai tikslūs, studentai teikia apeliacijas. Ši apeliacija taip pat rengiama ne užsiėmimų metu (1 pav.)

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Problemai išspręsƟ studentai turi rasƟ specifinį sprendimą
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