
Soil salinization and alkalization is an acute problem in Western Siberia because of the rise of saline groundwater above the critical level. We studied modern hydromorphism of solonetzes in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia. The dynamics of the groundwater level were studied in the years with different moistening and during the growing seasons. The chemical composition of the groundwater was compared with the composition of salts in the soil water extracts to identify negative processes of soil salinization and solonetzization under the impact of groundwater. Field studies were performed on the plots of the long-term experiment on the effect of different gypsum rates on the properties of crusty solonetzes in Novosibirsk oblast. During the study, a sharp rise in the groundwater level took place in 2013; it resulted in an increase in the groundwater salinity and the amount of soluble salts in the solonetz profile in 2015–2016. An increase in the content of hypothetical soda in the profile of the solonetz was recorded. The results of this study may be used to monitor the state of soils in Western Siberia and to plan land reclamation measures during the development of virgin land and the return of abandoned fields into agricultural use.

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