
Introduction. Preservation of historical and cultural environment is one of the most important tasks nowadays. Nevertheless, a developing city requires the development of architectural and urban environment, which contributes to the emerging of modern objects in historical areas of the city, often discordant. The primary parameter that determines the degree of discordance is the excess of the average height of the building, as well as architectural and stylistic parameters, placement in the structure of the city, etc. The problem of general increase in number of storeys in historical core of the city requires studies, analysis and definition of some restrictions in order to preserve the integrity and authenticity of the historical and cultural environment. Materials and methods. The work is based on the study of contemporary foreign and domestic solution experience of the problem of modern architecture in the conditions of historical construction image. The initial data for the studies were the materials of the current Project of zones of protection of objects of cultural heritage of Ryazan, and project materials developed in 2017. On the basis of field survey and the analysis of photographic images of buildings in the development, the nature and complexity of the architectural composition. Results. In accordance with the current Project of protection zones the most typical examples of multi-storey buildings in the historical context were identified, a characteristic and an assessment of the degree of their discordance were given. Conclusions. The study was aimed to solve the problem of preserving the integrity and authenticity of the historical and cultural environment in the construction of modern multi-storey buildings. The emerging of new buildings in historical core is necessary and inevitable, so, some architectural and urban planning techniques were revealed to reduce the degree of discordance

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