
This little book is volume 16 of the Postgraduate Courses in Pediatrics, edited by E. Rossi. It represents a successful attempt to acquaint the practicing physician with some recent developments in human genetics. It is written by well-known investigators, but not in English which will, unfortunately, limit its usefulness in this country. book is divided into seven contributions, four of which are of a more general nature, and these are: Genetic principles by G. Stalder (in German, 25 pp), The genetic code by U. Leupold (in German, 15 pp), The mechanism of the genetic control of protein synthesis by J. Gechaud (in French, 5 pp) and Formal human genetics and phenogenetics by U. Pfandler (in German, 27 pp). Specific problems are discussed by D. Klein (The importance of genetic consultations in medicine, in French, 31 pp), R. Turpin (Trisomy 21 [Mongolism], in French, 13 pp), and H. Moser and

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