
The history of fetal surgery is one of constant evolution. Over the last 50 years, fetal surgery has progressed from a mere idea to an internationally respected innovative field of surgery. This article aims to provide a historical review of how the enterprise of maternal-fetal surgery came to be its modern version. This review is less focused on the history of specific therapies for a relatively small number of conditions, and more on how the whole field of maternal-fetal surgery evolved. The various internal and external influences that steered the field’s evolution are discussed in chronologic order. Since the start of modern fetal surgery in the 1980s, large paradigm shifts have characterized the growth of the field as a whole. Innovative interventions are now based on physiologic manipulation as opposed to simple anatomic repair, fetoscopy has become the more frequently preferred surgical approach, and rigorous scientific evaluation with randomized controlled trials is now the standard expected by the community. In a very similar fashion to when the field first began in the early 1980s, recently community’s leaders have risen to protect the integrity of maternal-fetal surgery by publishing ethical guidelines for innovation and clinical practice. This incredible history of innovation, rigorous science and ethical contemplation is the foundation on which modern maternal-fetal surgery rests.

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