
In this article, the author raises the problem of checking the counterparty for reliability. The author emphasizes that at present it is impossible to imagine economic relations without partnerships. Taking into account the fact that in modern realities there is a fairly high level of fraud, the issue of conducting a counterparty verification becomes more relevant. In the article, the author cites a study conducted by Detoil and aimed at analyzing existing business practices. According to the results, it was revealed that most organizations faced negative consequences from cooperation with unfavorable partners. Also in the article, other conclusions formulated on the basis of this study are presented in sufficient detail. The author emphasizes that today the information and explanatory work of the Federal Tax Service has begun to play a very significant role in the verification of counterparties. Regarding this fact, a study by IPT Group was also conducted, the results of which are presented in the article. The author notes that the main purpose of conducting due diligence of a counterparty is to ensure the security of an economic entity, and lists a number of tasks performed to achieve this goal. In addition, the author lists the most common threats that arise when interacting with unscrupulous contractors. Within the framework of this article, the author also refers to the regulatory framework in force in Russia, on the basis of which the process of checking the reliability of a partner is regulated. Further, the author considers this problem in the field of food retail. He notes the characteristic features and main trends of the partner verification process in this area. In the final part of the article, the author comes to the conclusion that the issue of counterparty due diligence should be given more attention, since many companies still face the problem of overcoming the negative consequences of interacting with unfavorable partners.

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