
Accounting for borrowing costs is undoubtedly relevant for many modern organizations. It should be noted that from this year a new federal public finance accounting standard (FAS PF) “Borrowing costs” came into force. This standard establishes updated accounting rules for borrowing costs for state (municipal) budgetary and autonomous institutions (including healthcare institutions). These rules are analyzed in this article. The research methods were analysis and synthesis, grouping method, comparison, analogy method, logical approach, systemic approach. On the basis of the research carried out, the article systematizes the types and definitions of borrowing costs provided for by the above-named federal standard. As a result, the author presents a categorical apparatus in the indicated area. In addition, the article analyzes the most important features of accounting for borrowing costs and provides examples that explain these features. The results of the study can be useful to a wide range of readers interested in the problems of modern accounting, including accounting for borrowing costs of state (municipal) budgetary and autonomous institutions (in particular, healthcare institutions), and can also be applied in the practical work of the accounting departments of these institutions and in higher education process.

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