
Natural radiation is the main source of exposure of the population, accounting for about 70 % of the total dose of natural radioactive background. At the same time, radon and its pre-black decay products account for 40 to 90 % of all natural sources. The main danger to public health in residential areas and workplaces is the development of malignant diseases of the respiratory system. The main goal of the radon strategy is to reduce the incidence and mortality from radon-induced lung cancer. It should be taken into account that radon in the air is the second most important cause of lung cancer after smoking. The level of radon volume activity depends on two main factors - the geological and geographical environment and the structural features of buildings. A strategic goal aimed at reducing radon risk is the use of modern technologies to protect buildings from radon at the stage of their construction and re-construction. The current state of the radon problem indicates the need for constant monitoring and implementation of new modern measures to implement the radon strategy. The concept of radon hazard is constantly changing, refined and improved, which contributes to the development and adoption of new recommendations of the International Commission on radiological protection in the field of radiation protection of the population from natural sources of ionizing radiation. Strict implementation of these recommendations will ultimately significantly improve the quality of public health.

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