
Objective: This study was conducted to present a wound care intervention using hydrogel dressing in diabetic ulcer patients with the principle of modern dressing to speed up the wound recovery process. Method: This study used the nursing care method, including assessment, formulating nursing diagnoses, interventions, implementation, and evaluation, which were carried out for 6 days with 3 meetings at the patient's house located at Kp Benteng Kel Sukamenak, Purbaratu District. Enforcement of nursing diagnoses refers to the Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standards (SDKI). Indonesian Nursing Intervention Standards (SIKI), Indonesian Nursing Outcome Standards (SLKI), and nursing evaluations are documented using the SOAPIER method. Result: The provision of wound care interventions using hydrogel with the principle of modern dressing has proven to be useful for improving the wound healing process of diabetic ulcers. The benefits of this application will be maximized if done regularly and gradually. Conclusion: Based on the entire series of nursing care processes that the author carried out on Ny. H with the problem of infection risk associated with diabetic ulcers, the authors can draw the conclusion that hydrogel administration as debrilytic autolysis has significant results in 6 days with 3 meetings.

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