
The actuality of our research can be proven with the growing role of electronic means of communication and tools for training future specialists in higher institutions education. Also, the need to be able to work in a team and possess skills of social interaction force us to reconsider domestic educational models and implement electronic improvements and collaborative learning not as a means, but as a goal in the process of training specialists in higher education of Ukraine. Shifting the practice of teaching students to more visualized culture, a forced transition to a remote training should inevitably lead to the filling of the existing teaching methods with more visual aids such as video conferencing, presentations, video streaming, usage of online simulators. According to the "Concept for the Development of Distance Education in Ukraine", which was introduced by the resolution of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine back in 2000, distance education is considered as a form of learning that is implemented mainly through distance learning technologies which in turn are divided into pedagogical and informational. Consequently, the purpose of the article is to study the essence of digital tools types applied in teaching English at universities, which are aimed at formation of individual readiness for effective cross-cultural interaction. In particular, the main tasks of the ongoing study are to highlight top priority modern methods and online platforms that can be useful in shaping foreign languages communicative competence of modern students in current tough conditions. The general survey outcomes have witnessed that among the advantages of using digital tools compared to daytime study there are such practical conveniences as: flexibility in time, because some types of work can be performed outside of classes; reduction of transport and time costs; the possibility of organizing practical classes, consultations, assessments and exams, testing both individually and in groups. Speaking about the disadvantages of remote learning of foreign languages, not all students of a non-language educational institution have the potential, necessary for learning foreign languages, or sufficient computer skills literacy with this type of education, and require additional, individual work. Key words: digital education; English language; Information Communicative Technologies; online platforms; digital instruments; MyEnglishLab; innovative methods; skills tasks.

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