
The article clarifies that for the young people of the Zoom generation who have grown up in the age of the Internet, have unlimited access to any information and since childhood have been using digital technologies, classical higher education cannot provide everyone with necessary competencies and soft-skills by traditional methods. The study has defined that gamification is the introduction of computer games into educational activities, adding game elements to increase visualization, motivation training and, accordingly, the level of mastery of theoretical material, i.e. feedback with a student. It has been proved that gamification helps identify a leader and determine the level of training of an education seeker on this or that question (subject); unite students with a common language literary idea and direct all their efforts to its disclosure and representation; reduce the level of conflicts, and increase effectiveness of the educational process. The following components of the gamified process (user; accumulated points; game levels; ranking of participants; badges), forms (competitive, victorious and aesthetic) and services for introducing gamification into the education system (Alice, Scratch, Studio Code; CodeSchool; MotionMathGames; Mathematics; Spongelab; Kahoot!; Zombie-BasedLearning; MinecraftEdu; World of Classcraft (WoC); WildInternetWoods) have been characterized. The prerequisites for the implementation of the gamification method, to which the level of theoretical training of students, educational content, motivation of students of higher education to perform certain tasks, a level development of mental processes (thinking, perception, memory, attention, imagination and etc.) have been analyzed. The system of tasks, a quality control of which is organized by using games developed with the help of online Wordwall service has been developed and presented. The effectiveness of the implementation of the gamification method into the process of training of future teachers of the Ukrainian and English languages, which convincingly is represented by the diagram has been proved. Â

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