
The physics laws, which govern the atmospheric phenomena, are mostly non-linear and therefore the application of the conventional Fourier spectral analysis on the time series of the atmospheric quantities reveals that these are usually non-stationary. Quite often these non-stationarities conceals the existing correlations and therefore new analytical techniques capable to eliminate non-stationarities in the data should be employed. The most recent analytical methods used along these lines are the wavelet techniques and the detrended fluctuation analysis. Much attention has been paid recently to the latter technique, which has already proved its usefulness in a large variety of complex systems. As a paradigm, the detrended fluctuation analysis is applied to the column ozone data. Specifically the zonally and globally averaged column ozone observations conducted by ground-based (1964-2004) and satellite-borne (1979-2003) instrumentation are employed to detect long-range correlations in column ozone time series. The results show that column ozone fluctuations exhibit persistent long-range power-law correlations for all time lags between 4 months – 11 years.

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