
Modern collective housing generated an urban-architectural design paradigm, which incorporated spaces whose design promoted, following modern architects, health and hygiene through the circulation of clean air, natural lighting and ventilation inside dwellings, as well as in the shared spaces and those where people move around, characteristic of this housing typology. These design elements seem to be useful to reduce the spread of the SarsCov2 virus, that is currently affecting the entire world. Field and online work was carried out with the inhabitants of the CUPA, a housing complex representative of modern architecture in Mexico City, to verify this assumption. Using volumetric reconstructions and online questionnaires, the design elements that embody modern ideals, aimed at ensuring healthy indoor and outdoor spaces, were analysed. The usefulness of the collective facilities, public spaces and the design of the four housing typologies found within the, were assessed. The results of the study and the absence of COVID-19 cases in CUPA help to prove the validity that modern architecture has regained during the global pandemic, as well as the importance of the lessons from the past to integrate new design paradigms for a post-Covid architecture.


  • La habitación colectiva de la modernidad es un legado de las discusiones de los Congresos Internacionales de Arquitectura Moderna –CIAM– en torno a la vivienda y al desarrollo de las ciudades a partir de la habitación concebida como su célula básica (CIAM, 1933)

  • useful to reduce the spread of the SarsCov2 virus

  • the absence of COVID-19 cases in Centro Urbano Presidente Alemán (CUPA) help to prove the validity that modern architecture has regained during the global pandemic

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Pablo Francisco Gómez Porter

Se realizó un trabajo de campo y en línea con habitantes del Centro Urbano Presidente Alemán (CUPA), conjunto representativo de la modernidad arquitectónica en la Ciudad de México. A habitação coletiva da modernidade gerou um paradigma de desenho urbano-arquitetônico que incorporava espaços cujo design promovia, de acordo com os arquitetos da modernidade, saúde e higiene por meio da circulação de ar puro, iluminação e ventilação naturais no interior das casas, bem como nos espaços compartilhados e de circulação característicos desta tipologia habitacional. Realizou-se um trabalho de campo e on-line com moradores do Centro Urbano Presidente Alemán (CUPA), um conjunto representativo da modernidade arquitetônica localizado na Cidade do México. Palavras-Chave: Modernidade, higiene, equipamentos comunitários, conjuntos habitacionais, áreas verdes

Población con discapacidad
Comercios y abastos
Pasillos de circulación perimetrales en torres de departamento
Niveles de la vivienda
PLANTA BAJA pasillos perimetrales de circulacion en edificios en torre
En caso de trabajar desde casa
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