
Abstract Foraminiferal distributions along a transect across the northern North Sea have been investigated in II surface sediment samples. Based on benthic calcareous foraminifera, four biofacies are defined; the Cibicides lobatulus, the Bulimina marginata, the Elphidium excavatum and the Cassidulina laevigata biofacies. The Cibicides lobatulus biofacies is found in areas with coarse grained sediments and high energy regime. The Bulimina marginata biofacies is found in an area with shifting hydrography and the development ofa thermocline. All tests of Elphidium excavatum found in the Elphidium excavatum biofacies are considered reworked. The Cassidulina laevigata biofacies is located in connection with Atlantic water in the Norwegian Channel. The same distribution pattern is found for the agglutinated fauna. The distribution of planktonic specimens reflects the inflow of Atlantic water along the Norwegian Channel and on the Fladen Ground. A total number of14 7 benthic species were recognized in the samples.

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