
When considering technologies set to replace fossil fuel generation going forward, renewables are often among the first suggested, and although having an important role to play, still lacks the reliability, stability and predictability offered by fossil fuel generation. As an alternative capable of providing these sought-after characteristics, nuclear energy is proposed, however with past disasters and concerns surrounding nuclear waste fuelling safety concerns, interest in its implementation are often prematurely dismissed. An assessment of nuclear power plant and waste disposal safety is therefore conducted, considering criteria such as reactor safety advances, plant safety systems, and waste treatment and disposal requirements. The assessment furthermore considers the quantity of waste relative to electricity produced, and fatalities resulting from nuclear generation, as compared to that of its fossil fuel alternative. Results revel a highly regulated and safer than what is often perceived nuclear industry, finding nuclear energy to be responsible for less fatalities as compared to fossil fuel generation, producing only a miniscule amount of high level hazardous waste as compared to other waste-producing industries. The advantages of nuclear as compared to fossil fuels ultimately seem to outweigh the disadvantages, presenting itself as a deserving underexploited alternative to fossil fuel generation.

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