
The paper analyzes the current state of violent juvenile delinquency in our country and gives the data of official statistics. The analysis of the data shows that, along with the decreasing juvenile delinquency, there is an alarming increase in the commission of serious violent crimes by minors. Summary indicators of juvenile delinquency are demonstrated, justifying such a conclusion.The authors consider the point of view of scientists on social factors that are determinative for the manifestation of violence in the adolescent environment. In this regard, the authors conclude that in general the main factors include the demonstration of violence in the media and the Internet, its habitual manifestation in the immediate environment, social deviations and mental anomalies in minors, as well as significant disadvantages of leisure activities. Attention is given to the situational nature of crimes committed by minors, as well as the impact on the commission of certain types of crimes of the personality and behavior of juvenile victims. It is concluded that there is an urgent need to develop comprehensive preventive measures that involve coordinated activities of various institutions (educational, sports, cultural and leisure institutions, law enforcement agencies). At the same time, according to the authors, the main vector of our state’s policy in this area should be the further strengthening of measures for the moral and ideological education of minors, the organization of accessible leisure activities for them, since excessive behavioral activity of minors due to age should not be suppressed, but reoriented.The authors conclude that the state’s youth policy should aimed at increasing the value of a healthy lifestyle, education and culture, and its main vector in this area should be strengthening measures for the moral and ideological education of minors.

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