
Relevance. In Siberia, sweet pepper is grown both in the open and in the protected ground. For a short Siberian summer, it is important to have varieties adapted to the local bioclimatic potential: early ripening, for obtaining valuable products in the middle of summer, and the possibility of conducting seed production. The priority direction is the creation of varieties that are resistant to abiotic and biotic environmental factors, with high yield, product quality, and high vitamin C content.Materials and methods. The research was carried out in film unheated greenhouses and in the open ground at the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station-a branch of the Federal Research Center for Vegetable Growing. The material for research was collected, selected samples, varieties of pepper.Results and discussion. Breeding work on the culture of sweet pepper at the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station was started in the late 60s of the last century, active work – in the early 90s. The conditions of the sharply continental climate, with its mild frost-free period, require the creation of varieties capable of obtaining a commercial pepper crop, despite the negative impact of biofactors. The use of precocious varieties gives a guaranteed harvest by avoiding early autumn frosts. Breeding for precocity is one of the main directions of Siberian breeding. Over the years of selection, models of future varieties were created, more than 20 varieties of sweet pepper of various varietal types were created. The varieties obtained at the station all belong to the early-maturing group, with a period from germination to the first fruit harvest-98-116 days, a height of 40-80 cm during the fruiting period, compact, suitable for growing without a garter to the trellis. As a result of a comprehensive assessment of the initial breeding material, donors of economically valuable traits were selected, the inclusion of which in the breeding process contributed to the creation of a number of precocious pepper varieties of various variety types. The created varieties have a high biological potential in terms of adaptability, productivity, and biochemical parameters. Suitable for growing in various production sectors.

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