
The system of secondary vocational education can be considered as the most demanded area of education in Russia. Meanwhile, the current economic and geopolitical situation in the world determines the need for specialists with a high level of professional training according to international standards.In order to improve quality of vocational training in the system of secondary vocational education, the author offers the system of vocational training of future specialists showing it on the example of the profession 43.01.09 «Cook, confectioner» and takes into account the introduction of «World Skills» standards into the educational process and a new form of state final certification in the form of «demo exam». The system consists of five components, each of them has been discussed and disclosed in details.The proposed system for improving the quality of vocational training makes it possible to increase the level of practical orientation of the educational process, encourages students to improve their professional skills by expanding the range of professional competencies, and all changes in the content and structure of the curriculum related to the requirements of the «World Skills» international standards entail behind them are qualitative changes in the organization of the educational process, and, as a result, affect the quality of vocational training of future specialists in «blue-collar» professions.

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